Category Archives: McHugh Vasectomy Reversal

McHugh Vasectomy Reversal

Questions? We’ve got the answers!

Browse our site…particularly reversal cost, success rates and the various blog posts. Then arrange for a free consultation for additional information by using the contact form or by calling our office. Dr. McHugh will give you a call an afternoon that suits you.

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Vasectomy Reversal? A patient journey.

This a drawing done for me by a urological professor in Italy. I had asked him to draw his interpretation of pregnancy after a reversal.

  • It all starts with the decision to begin the journey that is a vasectomy reversal.
  • The procedure is not covered  by insurance.
  • Success can’t be guaranteed.
  • Once the procedure is performed, it takes the testicles about three months to begin producing sperm again.
  • If pregnancy occurs, it is usually six to eighteen months after the procedure.
  • A lot of things have to come in to place and in many ways a pregnancy is “miracle.”

Many times I have said to the vasectomy reversal couple that you have to begin with the procedure to start the clock. Then live your life… as this is a “patient journey.”

Will the Vasectomy Reversal procedure be like my Vasectomy?

A vasectomy takes about 15 minutes and I do them through a single “size of a grain of rice” opening.

A reversal, in my hands, takes about two hours and more commonly uses two incisions (3/4 inch on each side of the upper scrotum over the course of the vas deferens) and requires an operating microscope and microscopic suture.

I tell patients that it is a minor procedure, minimal blood loss or other complications, but it does take two hours to do. Bruising and some scrotal swelling is more common and there is a longer recovery period.

So…to the question…same structure (the vas deferens) different procedure.

Vasectomy? On this day in history Caesar was surprised. Don’t you be!


As sole Roman ruler, Caesar launched ambitious programs of reform within the empire.

The most lasting of these was his establishment of the Julian calendar, which, with the exception of a slight modification and adjustment in the 16th century, remains in use today.

He also planned new imperial expansions in central Europe and to the east. In the midst of these vast designs, he was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C., by a group of conspirators who believed that his death would lead to the restoration of the Roman Republic. However, the result of the “Ides of March” was to plunge Rome into a fresh round of civil wars, out of which Octavian, Caesar’s grand-nephew, would emerge as Augustus, the first Roman emperor, destroying the republic forever.

Click for free eBook on vasectomies by Dr. McHugh

Biggest determinate of a vasectomy reversal success?

The interval of time from the vasectomy.

Studies have shown success is related to the timing of the vasectomy which in turn is related to the ability of the testicles to begin producing sperm again in adequate numbers to achieve pregnancy.

Click on “Success Rates” in Menu to see how the interval of the vasectomy affects success.